Is Romance Dead?

Romance is not dead !


I guess I’m one of these people who could be called a hopeless romantic, I love the whole concept of romance.

Though nowadays I see less and less of the romance that made the old stories great, the long strolls, dinner dates, that time spent just getting to know someone before you committed to a relationship, followed by the exchange of love letters, cuddling and few more dates.

Seems that people are more interested in a one night stand, no strings attached.

I’m not one to judge, if that’s how you want to spend your time then be my guest.

My issue is the way that society idolizes this culture and isolates those who don’t partake in it, now I have no issue with having fun, go out, drink, enjoy yourselves, but remember that’s not everyone’s cup of tea and you shouldn’t penalize them for it.

Being a non-drinker I’ve been on the receiving end of this criticism time and time again and in regards to casual sex it’s way out of my ball park I’d never feel comfortable doing such a thing, but with the way women are perceived I find myself doubting people, I doubt their intentions, it’s just a niggling thought at the back of mind, the ‘what if’ that’s all they’re after?  I can’t do that to myself, call me old fashioned but that’s my personal choice and I want to be respected for that.

I want to go out, have fun, enjoy myself too, I want to meet new people, I want to date, but not by today’s standards, it seems that an old fashioned relationship is too much to ask. I’m sure there are girls and guys in the same position as me, and they may have different reasons, different worries, but regardless of who they are, theydeserve to be respected for their life choices.

I’ve always been told that there are people out there, and yeah, there are people out there, meeting them’s the problem, where can I meet someone when this country’s drinking and club culture is the main attraction, so what’s left for us? Not much I’m afraid, and those classic romantic romantic gestures just don’t fit in to the fast paced day of modern man, and personally I think it’s a shame.


“whatever happened to chivalry? Does it only exist in 80′s movies? I want John Cusack holding a boombox outside my window. I wanna ride off on a lawnmower with Patrick Dempsey. I want Jake from Sixteen Candles waiting outside the church for me. I want Judd Nelson thrusting his fist into the air because he knows he got me. Just once I want my life to be like an 80′s movie, preferably one with a really awesome musical number for no apparent reason. But no, no, John Hughes did not direct my life.” – “Easy A”





The Ramblings of One of Many

I guess I’m one of these people who could be called a hopeless romantic, I love the whole concept of romance.

Though nowadays I see less and less of the romance that made the old stories great, the long strolls, dinner dates, that time spent just getting to know someone before you committed to a relationship, followed by the exchange of love letters, cuddling and few more dates.

Seems that people are more interested in a one night stand, no strings attached.

I’m not one to judge, if that’s how you want to spend your time then be my guest.

My issue is the way that society idolizes this culture and isolates those who don’t partake in it, now I have no issue with having fun, go out, drink, enjoy yourselves, but remember that’s not everyone’s cup of tea and you shouldn’t penalize them for it.

Being a non-drinker I’ve…

View original post 332 more words

Getting Past A Break-Up


Coming from experience, I can definitely say BREAK-UPS SUCK!! It’s an overwhelming feeling of bleak hope for your future. That’s all normal. No one likes a disruption in their life, especially their love life. However, sulking is NOT the answer nor the solution. I have a plan that you can follow, that will guarantee you’re moving in the right direction.

Follow my steps below and you will at least feel better, followed by getting over your ex.

**Note: If you are planning on or wanting to get back with your ex, these steps will not work for you.

1. Find support – This means talk to your close friend(s) or family member(s) that won’t help you drown in your feelings, but help you see that you are a wonderful person and will stand by you until you’re over your ex. Sometimes people feel alone and think no one cares, it’s not true. You aren’t ever alone. If you lack in the friends and family department, there are always support groups as well. Some are available via social networking, just do your research.

2. Give yourself time to heal – Cry, cry, cry, and cry some more. Crying is healing, but don’t allow your healing process to be a crutch forever. Technically, as far as the brain is concerned, a broken heart is no different than a broken arm. We all know you’re arm isn’t broke forever. With that being said, feel the situation out, but avoid sulking.

3. Don’t beat up on yourself – Whether you were in charge of the breakup or not, or even if it were mutual, you have to allow yourself the freedom of letting go. It’s over with, it’s done. There is no point in revisiting the past, it only makes for a longer healing time frame.

4. Throw away the memories – I understand there’s significance behind what was. However, that’s just it, it’s the past now. Now is the time to toss pictures, CD’s, memorabilia etc. If there’s jewelry, you can always pawn it and buy something new or have it melted into a new piece. The point is that you can’t move past “the old” into the new, if you’re still clinging to “the old.”

5. Don’t contact your ex – PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, DON’T contact your ex (unless children are involved). Don’t call their family, their friends, their job, don’t call ANYBODY asking about them. It is time to move on. They’re not yours and you’re not theirs.

You have free time now, use that to your advantage.  Go to the gym, start scrapbooking, or do something you always wanted to do. Don’t let a breakup stop you from moving on.

All this means is that there is more to life than living for someone else. This wasn’t a good fit for you. Remember these words, “I am better than my past, and a greater person in my future.”

Loving my DID’s,

Dree Bo



Break Up

Coming from experience, I can definitely say BREAK-UPS SUCK!! It’s an overwhelming feeling of bleak hope for your future. That’s all normal. No one likes a disruption in their life, especially their love life. However, sulking is NOT the answer nor the solution. I have a plan that you can follow, that will guarantee you’re moving in the right direction.

Follow my steps below and you will at least feel better, followed by getting over your ex.

**Note: If you are planning on or wanting to get back with your ex, these steps will not work for you.

1. Find support – This means talk to your close friend(s) or family member(s) that won’t help you drown in your feelings, but help you see that you are a wonderful person and will stand by you until you’re over your ex. Sometimes people feel alone and think no one cares, it’s…

View original post 388 more words

How To Kiss Someone Passionately

how-to-kiss-someone-passionatelyHow To Kiss Someone Passionately

Nervous about your first kiss? Let VideoJug show you how to kiss someone passionately. Kissing tips, hints, and advice on how to perfect that kiss for that special person in your life.

Nervous about your first kiss? Let VideoJug show you how to kiss someone passionately. Kissing tips, hints, and advice on how to perfect that kiss for that special person in your life.

You Will Need

  • A pair of lips
  • Someone to kiss
  • Confidence

Step 1: Preparation

Check your breath. If you are intending to kiss someone for the first time then avoid strong foods like onion, garlic or strong flavours, unless of course your partner has been indulging in the same foods. If in doubt about your breath, suck a breath mint. But remember to have swallowed this before you start kissing, or your partner will be very surprised, particularly if they don’t like mint.

Step 2: Be confident

Nothing ruins a kiss more than uncertainty. This confidence is essential, as hard as it is to get a kiss the first time, it will be harder to get one after a failed attempt. Once you have decide you are going to kiss someone, choose your moment and go for it.

Step 3: The lips

It is best to start off simply. When it feels right, tilt your head slightly to one side to avoid clashing noses, lean in and press your lips onto your partner’s lips, softly, so you don’t bump teeth. If you do bump teeth accidentally, just carry on kissing.
Vary the amount you open your mouth, and the rhythm of your kisses. You may wish to use the tip of your tongue.

Step 4: Advanced techniques

This style of kissing was not invented by the French, although they are probably quite good at it. It refers to the type of kiss where you insert your tongue deep into the other person’s mouth and move it around. It is perhaps best defined by what you should not do. You should try to avoid swirling your tongue around aggressively like an electric eel caught in a fishing net, but equally you should not let your entire tongue go completely limp and floppy. If it feels right, you are probably doing it right. As the kiss progresses you may want to move to the neck. Kissing and nibbling the neck is perfectly acceptable when snogging and is the reason for the term necking.
A love bite is a red mark left on the skin, usually the neck or shoulder, caused by excessive lip suction on the skin. It is, depending on your point of view, a charming memento of the kissing session or a repulsive and embarrassing bruise. It is best to discuss the giving or receiving of a love bite with your partner, before leaving one.

Step 5: What to do with the rest of your body

This is really up to you. There are many things you can do to heighten a kiss, you can hold or stroke your partner’s back, run your fingers through their hair, or feel other parts of their body.Who knows where this might lead….. Well done, you are now kissing somebody passionately for the first time….

watching video How To Kiss Someone Passionately


Must Know Dating Rules for Men

Dating rules for men

You are a guy who hasn’t dated in years. Or maybe you’re a guy who has never been successful with women. Whatever your situation, there are some common dating rules to follow when venturing into the dating jungle. Follow these rules to act and look your best on every date.

There are some common dating rules to follow when venturing into the dating jungle. These conventions even the playing field, preparing you for success while protected your emotions. Women are trained from day one in the art of dating warfare. They have a physical and emotional arsenal that you may never hope to match. But you won’t be outgunned if you properly prepare for the battle.

1. Look your best. Get some decent clothes and shoes. Women always look at your shoes, even if you last checked your Nikes in 2006. Get clothes that fit you, suit you and are contemporary. Don’t just buy one outfit, sort out your entire wardrobe. Buy a nice tailored suit, there is no excuse not to. If you can’t take care of yourself, how are you going to take care of her?

2. Sort out your hygiene and styling. Go down to the barbers and clean up your hair, getting it styled if possible. If you don’t have much hair, still get down to the salon, maybe get your head shaved. Or just get a regular shave, a professional shave will leave your face looking and feeling great. Then it is off to the shops with you for good quality cologne and a grooming kit. Men are so often criticized for smelling bad. Get into a regular showering routine so you will always smell fresh and clean. Women appreciate it.

3. Sort out your job if you have one. Women want a man who has some ambition in life. Coasting along as a skateboard instructor is generally not going to win you a real catch (though I’d give it a go, I love skateboarding). Any job is better than none, but knuckle down and sort out some direction in your life. If possible try and look like you have something of a career. If you have a manual job, at least have some plans to work for yourself, and if you already do, then you are on the right track. But know what you are about work wise and have some idea of your future plans because women will ask questions about your prospects. Even if they pretend it isn’t important, it is.

4. Be in the know. Make sure you are up to date with current affairs, watch the news and read quality papers. Women do not appreciate stupidity, and laziness is no excuse for sounding dumb. Current affairs are important in showing you know all about the world we live in. If you travel a lot then this will help tremendously. If you don’t, make plans to travel and tell her about it. Proving you are willing and able to plan vacations is essential in the grand scheme of things.

5. Do not extol the virtues of drinking in the bar 5 nights a week. This will never win any fair princess’s heart. If you spend all your time boozing with the boys, it’s time to take a step back and pick up some more productive habits. Taking your lady for a drink is fine, especially if you take her to get cocktails at a nice lounge, but give them the impression that you live there will get you absolutely nowhere fast.

6. Keep your super fan status in check. If you love your sports and enjoying watch the game with your buddies, fine. If sport is a religion and you have your favorite player’s number tattooed on your back, you may have a problem. If you are serious about dating, rattling off baseball stats, ranting about unfair umpires and constantly check the score will put them off in record time. To the uninitiated, sports are completely boring, and many women interpret the obsession as a total lack of thought, creativity or inspiration. Millions of girls love sports too, and rooting for the same team is great, but don’t make your passion into a one-sided one.

9. Never expect sex on a first date. If all you are after is sex, you have come to the wrong place for reading material. If you are looking for the girl of your dreams, there is nothing sexier than a patient man. You are easily capable of waiting for the right woman.

10. Read up on manners, courtesy and chivalry. A woman likes being treated with respect. Lose the coarse language, the swear words, the rudeness and the laziness. Know how to eat in a top restaurant. Know about fashion, jewelry and flowers. Know how to hold a door open for a woman, let her go first and help her with her seat. Listen to what she says but have opinions of your own too. Show her respect and manners at every step and you’ll be on the right path.

11. Start listening and stop talking. Keep your date interested but don’t turn into a one-man circus. She will bore of you quickly because she wants to talk about herself too. Listen to things she tells you about her and remember them. Women love to chat so you need to learn to listen to her. Remembering things she told you will impress her even more.

12. Give up smoking. Now.

13. Learn to dance even if you have two left feet. Women love to dance and it puts you two in close contact. It is also romantic and sexy. You can be the world’s worst dancer, I don’t care. But if you stay seated when she is on that dance floor you may as well not exist. Try joining salsa and ballroom classes. You don’t need to be Travolta but you should have an idea of the basics of rhythm. Get started today.


Have any comments? Care to add your suggestions or own personal experiences?

Feel free to write in the comments section below.

How to know if she is flirting with you ?

When in doubt, look out for these: 

1- Eye contact

2- Come back for more

3-Flirty lips

4-Corners you


6- Hair Play


8-First approaches

9- “Awwing” & “Ohhing”

10- Laughs at what you say

and more !! 

How to know if she flirting with you






Know when and how to end a conversation

Know when and how to end a conversation

The Small Talk

At least 87 percent of casual, small-talk conversations last too long. The problem here is twofold:

• People are afraid to end the conversation and;
• “It’s time to end this talk” hints are ignored.

A solution to the first problem after the jump …


This is something lots of people struggle with, so don’t feel bad.

First, do not fear the conversational reaper. All things begin and all things end, including this conversation you are engaged in. And really, chances are that the other person doesn’t want this to go on forever, either.

Can you imagine spending your entire life right there, in that living room, talking talking talking to this person about sports or the mutual friend you have or whatever, both of you growing old and grey and still the conversation flows dully on? No one wants that.

So when you notice the drop-off in the mutual enthusiasm level to below say 50 percent, start to convey your intent for things to end by issuing a somewhat final-sounding statement on the topic at hand, followed by “Anyway …”

For example: “No, totally. Tom is the best! Anyway,” and here, you will adopt an expression that conveys many things — sadness that this conversation is coming to an end, gladness that you have met this person, resignation to the finality of what you are about to say — “It has been just wonderful chatting with you.”

You don’t really need to announce whatever it is you’re going to do after this (“I think I’m gonna head to the snack bowl!”) because everyone knows what time it is, and that will sound awkward anyway. 

Then, let them acknowledge that they have enjoyed chatting with you, and then say goodbye brightly. 




Everyone knows how hard it can be to meet singles and find a date for an evening so one can imagine that it can be even harder to find a simple fuck. We all have needs and these compulsions have to be satisfied for everyone’s well-being.

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I know that when I’m going through a lack of sex I feel disoriented and very aggressive. I need to lash out my anxiety towards something and I don’t really like wrestling so the apparent alternative is ultimately sex. Masturbation is fine and can satisfy you for a while but nevertheless there is nothing like a real good and hard fuck to blow off steam and let the pressure drop.

Blow off steam and pressure drop

Now if you’re like me, you’re not the type to walk into a bar and spend hundreds of dollars on a potential flame hoping to get them home and sucking your cock. Now you can put your wallet away. Wouldn’t you rather sit back watch hundreds of girls beg for you to fuck them and choose whatever your heart desires that night…because yes, tomorrow is another day and that means a different girl demanding you take care of her wet pussy.

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I have been around and about on the internet looking for solutions to my never ending sexual desire and have been left sexless and unfulfilled. I have to admit I’m a little bit of a Nympho and I am not looking for a relationship at the moment which makes it difficult for me to find exactly what I’m looking for on dating sites. Most of the dating sites I’ve been on are for people looking for long walks on the beach, picnics in the park, who gives a fuck I want a dick in my pussy without all the fla fla crap that people usually go through to get there.

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I have found the ultimate solution for all of you who like me want to skip the crap and get to the dirty love making. I finally found a place that answers my sexual needs. What your fancy? 1, 2 or 3 girls? A couple? Whatever you want…it’s there; believe me, dreams do come true. I was hesitant to share my secret at first but since I know I’m not the only one in this situation and that the more people join me online the better chances I have of fucking more than once a day, because yes, If I could I would.

Like all of you out there who can’t get enough sex I have been there and now I’m living in a whole new world of sexual encounters and great fucking sessions. Best part of all of it is…no worries, no next day phone call, no dating, no preliminaries just sex, Plain and simple. Hot torrid sex, hundreds of men and women who want a piece of me and I just can’t wait to give it to them all.

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If this isn’t the best place online to meet singles and fuck for free I will personally take care of satisfying your naughty needs and make sure you never have to visit another dating site again.



Pussy Control?

Pussy Control?

pussy drink

I had been watching this case develop and it now turns out that posters promoting the “Pussy” energy drink have been banned by the ASA for being “likely to cause serious and widespread offence.” To which all I can say is: Hello Boys!

Seriously though, if Eva was thought to be too risqué, then the people involved with marketing this drink should have known better. After all, they’re no virgins!

You can read more about the decision here:



Dean P. Tailor


I had been watching this case develop and it now turns out that posters promoting the “Pussy” energy drink have been banned by the ASA for being “likely to cause serious and widespread offence.” To which all I can say is: Hello Boys!

Seriously though, if Eva was thought to be too risqué, then the people involved with marketing this drink should have known better. After all, they’re no virgins!

You can read more about the decision here:

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Lost: one bikini

farrah lost her bikini

She lost her bikini on TV? Was she wearing it or did she just lose it the laundry or something?”

I lol’d

via Lost: one bikini.